About the 104b Grant Program

Section 104(b) of the Water Resources Research Act requires the Institutes or Centers to:

  1. plan, conduct, or otherwise arrange for competent applied and peer reviewed research that fosters – improvements in water supply reliability; the exploration of new ideas that – address water problems; or expand understanding of water and water-related phenomena; the entry of new research scientists, engineers, and technicians into water resources fields; and the dissemination of research results to water managers and the public.
  2. "cooperate closely with other colleges and universities in the State that have demonstrated capabilities for research, information dissemination, and graduate training in order to develop a statewide program designed to resolve State and regional water and related land problems."
  3. "cooperate closely with other institutes and other organizations in the region to increase the effectiveness of the institutes and for the purpose of promoting regional coordination."

Proposals are solicited annually each fall. Project proposals are submitted to the NWC for review and selection. The proposals for selected projects are included in the proposal package submitted to the USGS by the NWC annually in January. The project year runs from March 1 through the end of February.

Projects selected

