Water Resources Specialization

Water Resources Planning and Management Graduate Specialization

Interested in diving further into the field of water resources planning and management?


This interdisciplinary graduate-level minor requires only 9 credit hours and offers the opportunity to network with other academic departments and experience their differing perspectives on managing water resources. This specialization is supervised by a committee representing 11 participating departments. Your degree must be in one of these departments, and your 9 credit hours need to be courses offered by the other departments. Also, 6 of the 9 credit hours must be from the committee-approved list below. The remaining 3 credit hours can be chosen from the more extensive list of water-related courses found in the graduate catalog.

  • AECN 857, Water Law
  • AGRO 807, Plant-Water Relations
  • AGRO 808, Microclimate: The Biological Environment
  • AGRO 875, Water Quality Strategy
  • BIOS 600, NRES 859, Limnology
  • AGEN 853, Irrigation and Drainage Systems Engineering
  • AGEN 954, Watershed Modeling
  • BSEN 957, Modeling Vadose Zone Hydrology
  • MSYM 852, Irrigation Systems Management
  • CIVE 830, Fundamentals of Water Quality Modeling
  • CIVE 852, Water Resources Development
  • CIVE 854, Hydraulic Engineering
  • CIVE 855, Nonpoint Source Pollution Control
  • CIVE 856, Surface Water Hydrology
  • CIVE 858, Groundwater Engineering
  • CRPL 870, Environmental Planning & Policy
  • GEOG 884, Water Resources Seminar
  • GEOL 888, Groundwater Geology
  • NRES 853, Hydrology
  • NRES 868, Wetlands

For more information, contact the committee member in your department as listed below. You can also contact Dr. Chittaranjan Ray, director of the Nebraska Water Center within the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute, who serves as chair of the interdepartmental committee, or Dr. Thomas Franti, associate professor of Biological Systems Engineering, who serves as committee co-chair.