Temporary Technician

Bio Summary

Pierce Leef is a Temporary Technician at the Water Sciences Laboratory. He runs the inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) instrument for the laboratory. He also prepares samples for both liquid and gas chromatography instrumentation in a wide variety of matrices for pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, veterinary and human use antibiotics, per-and-polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), pesticides, insecticides, and degradation products. He also works closely with our chromatography specialist to reduce the data produced by this equipment and ensures that it meets our strict quality control requirements. When available, he assists with routine laboratory organization and management tasks.

Leef received his B.S. In Chemistry at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Pierce Leef

Contact Information

204 Water Sciences Laboratory
1840 N. 37th Street
Lincoln NE 68583-0844
Call: 402.472.8213
Email: pleef2@unl.edu