The Water and Integrated Cropping Systems (WICS) Hub is bringing together water experts from across the university. On October 27, over one hundred and twenty Nebraska faculty, staff, administrators, and extension educators joined the inaugural meeting of the Water and Integrated Cropping Systems (WICS) team. Organized by Dr. Ron Yoder and the newly formed lead team, including Crystal Powers, DWFI and Nebraska Water Center (NWC) research and extension communications specialist, the virtual meet-up was a springboard for future collaborations.
“Our goals for the meeting tracked our initial goals for the team: celebrate the depth of expertise we have and gain feedback on how we can strengthen communication, connections, and collaboration, with the overall intent of enhancing our reach and impacts across Nebraska,” said Powers.
In addition to Powers, Yoder brought together a leadership team steered by Chittaranjan Ray, NWC director; Water Program Leader Daran Rudnick, assistant professor, department of biological systems engineering, UNL; Cropping Program Leader Daren Redfearn, associate professor, department of agronomy and horticulture, UNL; and Economics Program Leader John Westra, associate research and extension director, Nebraska Extension.