Ray serves on mayor's advisory council as Lincoln searches for a second water source

June 29, 2022

Photo Credit: Jaiden Tripi, Journal Star

Dr. Chittaranjan Ray, Nebraska Water Center Director, joins the City of Lincoln and water resource specialists in the search for a secondary water source for Lincoln. The City’s existing infrastructure for clean, safe drinking water consists of wells built on the Platte River near Ashland in 1932. Current projections estimate the existing wellfield is adequate to supply drinking water for the next 26 years. A secondary water source is needed to support future generations of Lincolnites in the following decades.

Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird created the Mayor’s Water Source Advisory Council to advise decision-makers in the new initiative titled Water 2.0: Securing Lincoln’s second source. This initiative is expected to be the largest public works project to support Lincoln’s health, growth, and vitality into the future. Dr. Ray joins representatives from natural resource, business, and community leaders in providing direction and identifying outcomes for this project.

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