The Nebraska Water Center is now accepting pre-proposals for the 2025 USGS 104b funding call. 104b awards are geared towards early-career faculty who are conducting research in Nebraska that has unique applications both within and outside of the state. These awards are one-year seed grants that are expected to lead to larger, extramural grants.
Pre-proposals are welcome in all areas of water quality, water quantity, and surface or groundwater study, with preference given to problems of state and regional importance.
Junior faculty and staff are encouraged to apply, with an emphasis given to those which include student-training opportunities.
Awards will be for one-year (September 1, 2025-August 31, 2026) requesting between $5,000 - $30,000 total per project. No extensions will be allowed.
Pre-proposal submissions will be accepted through NuRamp until February 25, 2025, at 1:00 p.m.
Principle investigators chosen for funding will be notified by the Nebraska Water Center regarding the USGS 104b FULL proposal phase no later than April 1st.
The pre-proposal in NURamp can be found at
For assistance, contact Tricia Liedle (402-472-3305 or