Nebraska Vadose Zone
The vadose zone is the interval between the crop root zone and the water table, and is a critically important region for storage, transport and transformation of chemicals that can impact groundwater quality. The Nebraska Vadose Zone program standardizes collection, processing, analysis, and sharing of vadose zone monitoring data. The Nebraska Vadose Zone website is a repository for historic and current monitoring data.

Know Your Well
Know Your Well is a Nebraska Environmental Trust-funded project training high school students how to sample and test well water quality. This project runs between 2017 and 2020 and expects to connect with 16 schools across Nebraska. Students will compare their results with tests conducted at the University of Nebraska Water Sciences Laboratory.

The Water Center - Digital Commons
The digital commons repository is a collaborative service of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln libraries. Faculty, researchers, and students associated with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are invited to deposit digital materials for long-term preservation and world-wide electronic accessibility.