2023 Nebraska Water Conference

The 2023 Nebraska Water Conference, “Managing water resources in urban Nebraska: learning from the past to prepare for the future,” brought together global researchers, engineers, and water professionals in October to discuss crucial water issues in Nebraska’s cities.

The conference marks the end of the journey following the Platte River since the 2020 conference intended to be held in Scottsbluff and ending in Omaha in 2023. This conference featured expert panelists and speakers that discussed current natural resource challenges faced by Lincoln and Omaha while providing advice on the future of water management in eastern Nebraska.

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Conference materials


The 2023 Nebraska Water Conference took place from 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 3rd to 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 4.  

Conference highlights included: 

  • Keynote panels on the current and future state of water resources in Urban Nebraska 
  • Keynote presentations on integrated management, Lincoln's 2nd Source project, and lessons learned from other cities 
  • Breakout sessions on Missouri River management, flood planning, tools for water management, wastewater systems, and more 
  • Interactive sessions on drought planning and science communication 
  • Water Project tours hosted by our partners 

Conference sessions took place at the Downtown DoubleTree Hotel in Omaha.