RFP Available for 2024 USGS 104g program (General, PFAS, and AIS)

NOTE: There is a very short turnaround for this announcement due to the late release by USGS. 

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Institutes for Water Resources, requests proposals for research projects to improve and enhance the nation’s water supply and availability and promote the exploration of new ideas that address or expand our understanding of water problems. 

Important:  All Proposal preparation elements under "D2" of each RFP must be completed and submitted with all other necessary documents as one file in grants.gov. UNL PIs are required to work with their grant liaisons (or other departmental support) to route through NuRamp prior to the May 30th USGS deadline and would then be submitted by the OSP Grants Coordinator assigned to your specific department. Chittaranjan Ray would be identified on the NuRamp form as in previous years since all proposals must be linked to the Nebraska Water Center. 

The SF-424 (and depending on what other assurances are being referenced) are to be part of the overall grants.gov 104g application package therefore, each proposal will require these being completed. 

Any proposals which are being submitted by PIs outside of UNL campus will need to be sent to NWC by May 13th @ 11:00am for our internal departmental grants specialist to prepare the grants.gov application for routing through NuRamp and submission by UNL OSP no later than May 30th to USGS. 

You are required to ensure that your budget is correct and verified via your departmental grants specialist and OSP before submitting to Nebraska Water Center.  

Any investigator at an accredited institution of higher learning in the United States is eligible to apply for a grant through a Water Research Institute or Center established under the provisions of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984, as amended (http://water.usgs.gov/wrri/index.php).  

Proposals involving substantial collaboration between the USGS and university scientists are strongly encouraged. Proposals may be for projects of 1 to 3 years in duration with discreet 12-month budget periods, and may request up to $310,000 for 104G General; $310,000 for 104G PFAS; $348,000 for 104G AIS in federal funds. Investigators must match one non-federal dollar to each federal dollar requested. 

Please refer to section A2 of RFP's for background, purpose and program requirements for more detailed information pertaining to each RFP category. 

If you have any questions, please contact NWC program assistant Tricia Liedle, pliedle@nebraska.edu or 402-472-3305. 

104g General RFP documents: https://grants.gov/search-results-detail/353612